From OpenAI to Adept: The Future Path of AI Unicorns

Introduction:In the field of artificial intelligence, innovation and transformation always go hand in hand. Recently, news about the potential acquisition of Adept, an AI unicorn founded by a former Chinese engineer from OpenAI, by Meta has attracted widespread attention in the industry. This is not only a contest between tech giants and innovative companies but also a profound reflection on the future application scenarios of AI.

I. The Birth and Growth of Adept

David Luan, the former engineering director of OpenAI, with his boundless enthusiasm and dreams for AI technology, co-founded Adept with Niki Parmar and Ashish Vaswani. After graduating from Yale University, David Luan's journey has spanned iRobot, OpenAI, and Google, with every step closely linked to the development of AI technology.

1. Vision and Mission of Adept

Adept's vision is to create an AI Agent that can proficiently use various software tools and APIs. This goal not only reflects technological progress but also heralds AI's central role in enterprise services.

2. Technical Breakthroughs of Adept

In January of this year, Adept released Fuyu-Heavy, a multimodal large language model capable of answering questions, analyzing text, and images. In addition, Adept also plans to launch an Agent that can automatically perform personal computing tasks, as well as train a model that can complete tasks on computers using software like Adobe Photoshop or Airtable by knowledge workers.

II. Potential Cooperation between Adept and Meta

1. Exploration of Strategic Partnerships

According to The Information, Adept has been exploring the possibility of establishing strategic partnerships with large technology companies in recent months, including Meta. Such cooperation will undoubtedly bring broader development opportunities for Adept.

2. Shift in AI Product Differentiation

David Luan predicts that in the next few years, the concept of AI as a product differentiator will gradually fade from view, replaced by AI Agents becoming the main objects used by enterprise customers. This indicates that the practicality and reliability of AI will become the key criteria for measuring its value.

1. From "Software as a Service" to "Service as Software"

With the continuous advancement of AI technology, the traditional SaaS model is shifting towards a new paradigm of "Service as Software." Adept's AI Agent is a typical representative of this shift.

2. Application of AI Technology in Enterprises

Adept's AI Agent can not only improve work efficiency but also bring unique value to enterprises. The realization of this value will no longer depend on the intelligence of the model but on the reliability of its work execution.


The story of Adept is a microcosm of the development of AI technology. From OpenAI to Adept, and then to the potential cooperation with Meta, every step highlights the infinite potential of AI technology. In the future, with the widespread application of AI Agents, we have reason to believe that AI technology will bring more convenience and innovation to human society.

Latest Events and Information:- 2024 Generative AI San Francisco Summit: Sponsored by Microsoft and co-participated by GPTDAO, to be held on May 29-31. - 2024 World AIEC Summit: Guided by the Harvard University Wuxi Alumni Association, to be held in Wuxi on June 29. - AdventureX Hackathon: From July 15-19 in Liangzhu, Hangzhou, providing young developers with the opportunity to create innovative products.

These events not only provide a platform for the development of AI technology for exchange and cooperation but also provide a stage for the younger generation of innovators to showcase their talents. Let us look forward to the brilliant achievements of AI technology in the future.