Hollywood and Tech Giants' AI Revolution: The Game of Tens of Millions in Investment and IP Licensing

Hollywood, the holy land of the global film industry, is ushering in an artificial intelligence revolution led by tech giants. Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, and Meta Platforms Inc., two titans of the tech world, are in deep discussions with major Hollywood film companies with the intention of licensing film IP content for the AI video generation software they are developing. This technology can create realistic scenes based on text prompts, heralding a complete transformation of the future of film production.

Huge Investments and Cooperation Intentions

According to insiders, Alphabet and Meta have provided tens of millions of dollars in funding to facilitate cooperation with Hollywood film companies. Their goal is to use artificial intelligence technology to generate realistic video content based on text prompts, which will undoubtedly bring revolutionary changes to film production. At the same time, Microsoft-backed competitor OpenAI is also having similar conversations, showing that competition in this field is becoming increasingly fierce.

Hollywood's Caution and Opportunities

Hollywood film companies have shown a keen interest in using artificial intelligence to reduce costs, but at the same time, they are cautious about handing over films and TV programs to tech companies without controlling the use of these contents. Despite this, trying out this new AI technology is still a mainstream idea. The cooperation between News Corp and OpenAI is a clear example; they announced a 5-year global partnership with a potential value of more than $250 million.

Application of AI Technology in Film Production

Hollywood film companies and filmmakers have already tried using artificial intelligence in production. For example, the well-known actor Tyler Perry used this technology to recreate the makeup of the character he played in the movie, and director Robert Zemeckis used artificial intelligence to make the movie star Tom Hanks age in the upcoming movie. These attempts show that the potential for artificial intelligence technology in film production is huge.

Anxiety Aroused and Future Prospects

However, the capabilities of artificial intelligence have also caused some anxiety in Hollywood. Actors and writers are worried that artificial intelligence will take their jobs, and filmmakers like Perry have warned about the impact of this technology on the workforce. They call on the industry to unite and formulate regulatory provisions to ensure the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology.

The music industry has also shown a tough stance on the use of artificial intelligence, with Universal Music Group even suing the AI startup Anthropic for copying lyrics. This shows that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, related legal and ethical issues are becoming increasingly prominent.

Despite this, Hollywood film companies are still exploring how to let artificial intelligence serve them, rather than fight against this new technology that may reshape the industry. They have not yet agreed to establish a major commercial relationship with large tech companies on the use of artificial intelligence, but this AI revolution between Hollywood and tech giants will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the future of the film industry.