
In the field of artificial intelligence, OpenAI has always been a pioneer of innovation. Now, they are leading the trend again by launching the ChatGPT chatbot app for Mac, bringing users an unprecedented interactive experience.

Full Launch of ChatGPT Mac App

On June 26, OpenAI announced an exciting news: its first ChatGPT chatbot app designed for Mac has been fully opened for all users to download. Previously, this app was only open to Plus paid subscribers. After a month of testing, now all Mac users can experience this revolutionary app for free.

Seamless Integration and Quick Operation

OpenAI stated that the original intention of the ChatGPT Mac app design is to integrate seamlessly with users' daily operations. It natively supports the Mac system and allows users to launch the app anytime, anywhere through a simple shortcut key (Command + Space bar). This design greatly enhances the user experience, making the interaction with the chatbot easy and natural.

Rich Interaction Methods

Users can not only communicate with ChatGPT through text but also choose to attach files, photos, and screenshots to the messages, allowing ChatGPT to use these materials for deeper understanding and creation. This multimodal interaction method will undoubtedly greatly enrich the user's usage scenarios.

Preview of Voice Chat Feature

What's more exciting is that OpenAI also revealed that they will launch a new "Voice Mode" version supporting GPT-4o for Mac users in the coming weeks. This means that users will soon be able to communicate with ChatGPT through voice, achieving a more natural and intuitive interaction.


The ChatGPT desktop app has now landed on the OpenAI official website, and all Mac users can download and experience it for free. And for paid subscribers of ChatGPT Plus, they will enjoy more comprehensive features. This move by OpenAI will undoubtedly promote the further popularization of artificial intelligence technology and have a profound impact on the future lifestyle of mankind. Let's look forward to how ChatGPT will shine on the Mac platform and lead the new trend of artificial intelligence interaction.