
In the wave of artificial intelligence, generative AI as a rising star in the development field is changing the way programmers work. However, a recent study has revealed an unsettling fact: ChatGPT has an error rate as high as 52% when answering programming questions, and nearly 40% of human programmers have not noticed these errors.

ChatGPT: A New Partner for Developers or a Trap?

Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, is designed to assist developers in quickly generating code and improving development efficiency. However, a report submitted by a research team from Purdue University at the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction pointed out that ChatGPT has an error rate as high as 52% when answering 517 questions on Stack Overflow.

Human Programmers' Preferences

Despite the high error rate, survey results show that in 35% of cases, human programmers are more inclined to choose ChatGPT's answers. They believe that the answers provided by ChatGPT are more comprehensive and the language style is clearer.

Errors Unnoticed

What is even more worrying is that in 39% of cases, human programmers did not find the wrong answers from ChatGPT. This indicates that although generative AI may provide convenience in some aspects, their errors may also be overlooked by humans, thereby affecting the quality of the code and the success rate of the project.

The Future of Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges Coexist

Although this study only targets one aspect of ChatGPT, it reveals the limitations of generative artificial intelligence when assisting in programming. The high error rate and the difficulty for humans to detect the problem remind us to be more cautious when relying on these tools.


Generative AI undoubtedly provides convenience for developers, especially in quickly generating prototypes and solving common programming problems. They can serve as a powerful supplement in the development process.


However, the high error rate and the neglect of errors by humans also remind us to be vigilant when using these tools. Developers need to carefully review and test the generated code to ensure the quality and reliability of the final product.


ChatGPT and similar generative AI tools, although they provide great help in some aspects, are not omnipotent. Developers should maintain critical thinking when using these tools and conduct strict reviews of the generated code. Only in this way can we fully utilize the advantages of these tools while avoiding potential risks.

Through this article, we hope to remind developers to be vigilant when using generative AI tools, ensuring the quality of the code and the success rate of the project. At the same time, we also look forward to these tools continuously improving to provide developers with more reliable and efficient assistance.